
Saturday 31 March 2012

Carson's Creations Embossing Blog Hop and Giveaway!

Thanks for hopping by! You should have arrived from Anita if not you need to turn around and click HERE to start at the beginning!

This is my first blog hop and I would like to thank Georgiana for asking me to participate. This hop is all about embossing. I am new to dry embossing (as of Christmas) and still trying to build my collection. While looking for a good deals for embossing folders, I found a tutorial on making your own. I continued my search and found others doing the same. The original one I saw involves gluing the negative on the opposite side of your cut, much like the ones you buy. This seemed tedious and had disaster all over it. Another I found involved using a rubber pad. This seemed much easier and made me wonder if foam could be substituted? I didn't act on this right away, but then this opportunity arose. I went right to work and through a little trial and error I made my own embossing folders. The following are my steps and some pictures. I regret that I didn't take pictures of each step, so if you need any clarification please ask.

Step 1: Choose your Cut. The two folders I made, I used cuts from Paper Lace 2.

Step 2: Cut your design 3-4 times on thick card. I used card stock for my original one (music notes) and cereal box for my second. I like the cereal box much better and gave much better results.

Step 3: Glue all cuts together, trying hard to keep it all lined up. Then glue to one side of  a folded piece of card.

Step 4: Adhere two appropriately cut pieces of craft foam opposite your design. I found my craft foam at the dollar store 2 sheets for a dollar.

Step 5: Run your folder through your embosser with out paper. This should be a tight fit, but it will be easier after you indent the foam.

Step 6: All systems GO!

I used my folders as backgrounds for these projects, but I think the dotted one would make a good texture on a smaller cut. I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. I look forward to your improvements and designs.

I also have some blog candy that I will announce early next week. All you need to do is leave a comment and be a follower
Now your next stop will be Kate

Thank you,


Blog line up:

Friday 30 March 2012

Birthday Diva!

There are a few challenge blogs that I check on a regular basis. Inspiration can come in many forms and sometimes the combination of two or more challenges can lead to a fabulous out come. This week I checked in on my usual challenges to find that one will soon be coming to an end. Birthday Sundaes will come to an end after this challenge. I wanted to take advantage of this final opportunity, as I do stop by frequently, this will be my first challenge entered. I have joined Birthday Sundaes: Challenge #49 - Numbers with Die Cuttin Divas: Challenge #58 - The Three R's (Ribbons, Rosettes and/or Rhinestones) The combination of these two challenges inspired this card for my soon to be 2 year old niece.

Excuse the glue strand I didn't notice it till just now. A reminder to join me tomorrow for my first blog hop. I'm going to get that post ready right after this! - exciting -

Cricut Cartridges:

Ribbons and Rosettes

Plantin Schoolbook

Challenges Entered:

Have a great weekend,


Monday 26 March 2012

Skull Candy!

Today I filed my taxes, I was notified that some cartridges that I ordered will be here TOMORROW, and I cashed in my change jar for $30. Today seems to be turning around after having a bummer work day. Here is a birthday card I made that seems to go nicely with Die Cuttin Divas: Challenge #57 - Music and 4 Crafty Chicks: Challenge #82 - Inspired by Music.  I made this card using Rock Princess and this reminds me of the popular headphones, Skull Candy, hence the title.

This weekend I will be part of my first blog hop and I will be having my first giveaway. Please stop by and join the hop!

Have a great evening and a good week!


Sunday 25 March 2012

Spring Thank You!

I have some thank yous that I would like to mention. My first 2 are for awards given to me from other bloggers. Jessica at Craftin' and Stampin' awarded me the  Liebster Blog award. This is an honour I have already received but am more than happy to be acknowledged again by a wonderful blogger. 

The second award is from Georgiana at Carson's Creations who passed on The Versatile Blogger award to me. 
I do want to come back to this one and properly accept and pass it on. I will post this one another day. I do want to thank both Jessica and Georgiana for thinking of me and passing along this honour.

On to my card and two others I would like to thank. I have recently been the recipient of two prizes. Two wonderful stamp sets from Cathie at Cricut Creative Cutter Room . I used the set on this card. Keep in mind I didn't do this properly; I added the stamp after I popdotted , so I didn't get a good stamp. Second I won a great prize from some one who inspires me (and now I have one of her secrets) Rebekah at Tangle's Treasures. I won a $20 gift card for Babapuff, where I got some digital papers that I printed and also used in my card. Thank you both and now for my card.

Cricut Cuts: 
Kite - Create a Critter
Cloud - Noah's ABC Animals

Babapuff Digital Paper

American Crafts

Thank you again to these wonderful ladies and as a favor to me please stop by and check out their fabulous creations.


Entered in the following challenges:

Celebrate the Occasion #55 - Welcome Spring
Party Time Tuesdays - Colour Challenge 
Fantabulous Cricut #103 - Celebrate Spring
Whimsical Designs - Celebrate Spring
Sentimental Sundays #95 - Easter or Spring
The Kraft Journal - Anything Goes
Tuesday Throwdown #90 - Spring Cleaning

Friday 16 March 2012

Dollar Store Do Over - Come On Get Happy!

I have been feeling a little down in the dumps lately, and I really don't know why. I have been set on making changes to get happy again but didn't know how. As things usually turn out the answer found me. I was browsing through the books at Wal-Mart (after I hit the craft section first of course) as I need something till I replace my reader. I picked up a book called 'The Magic' (yeah that's what I thought too) by the same author of 'The Secret'. I admit I read 'The Secret' but it had little lasting effect on me, but 'The Magic' offers a 28 day program of being grateful. I am a polite person and always say thank you, so on and so forth, but this is different. I thought okay lets give it a try, it's way cheaper than illegal narcotics. After day one I knew I needed to get a note book. For 28 days I need to 'count my blessing' and each day write ten things I'm grateful for on top of other daily activities. Off to the dollar store I go, to find a shelf of ugly note books. I grabbed the one with a cardboard cover knowing I could make improvements. I'm on day five, feeling better and in the mood to do-over this book. I have wanted to cut this octopus from Art Nouveau the instant I saw this cartridge and today found my opportunity. I pop-dotted some of the tentacles to add a bit more and I also stuck on a label I usually use on home-made envelopes. I am no longer embarrassed to carry this thing around. Below is my before and after, I hope you enjoy. I am at this point not recommending this book as it does have it's flaws but the general concept I do like and I think getting in the practice of being grateful for all the little things is a good one.




Courtesy of Wikipedia here is some general information on octopus:

The octopus (traditionally, plural: octopuses) is a cephalopod mollusc of the order Octopoda. Octopuses have two eyes and four pairs of arms, and like other cephalopods they are bilaterally symmetric. An octopus has a hard beak, with its mouth at the center point of the arms. Octopuses have no internal or external skeleton (although some species have a vestigial remnant of a shell inside their mantle), allowing them to squeeze through tight places. Octopuses are among the most intelligent and behaviorally flexible of all invertebrates.
The octopus inhabits many diverse regions of the ocean, including coral reefs, pelagic waters, and the ocean floor. They have numerous strategies for defending themselves against predators, including the expulsion of ink, the use of camouflage and deimatic displays, their ability to jet quickly through the water, and their ability to hide. An octopus trails its eight arms behind it as it swims. All octopuses are venomous, but only one group, the blue-ringed octopuses, is known to be deadly to humans
There are around 300 recognized octopus species, which is over one-third of the total number of known cephalopod species. The term octopus may also be used to refer only to those creatures in the genus Octopus.

I am grateful for you all, thank you,


Thursday 15 March 2012

In Like a Lion!

I was given the opportunity to make a 3D animal from Cricut Cartridge Noah's ABC Animals. The opportunity was through Fantabulous Cricut: Challenge Me Monday #102 - In Like a Lion. I made the king of the jungle and gave him a crown from Home Decor. As I was writing my last post this King was attacked by another cat Tiger. I caught him just in time and I am glad to say that my creation lives!

Please remember Toblerone was 3D first,


Easter Chick!

First off thank you for your concern in regards to my lack of power situation. Power was restored late the following morning. Turned out to be a short in a light switch. 

I have been slacking off lately, and because I tried and failed to make a St. Patrick's Day card, I moved to the next holiday Easter! I made a simple card, using a sketch from 4 Crafty  Chicks challenge, that I missed because I didn't want to take pictures two nights ago. I used the chick cut from Create a Critter and flowers from Flower Shoppe. I found this stamp in the dollar bin at Micheal's. Here is my creation followed by the sketch and then some challenges I happen to meet the requirements for.


I have entered this in the following challenges:

Green Blend Award!

This award was created by Beckie of Just B Creative Crazy.
"The “Green” portion represents how we should be kind to one another and help one another…such as being “Green” and helping our environment. Reissue the kindness that someone once gave to you as an infant blogger. Recycle the ideas you have learned or invented to pass along to up and coming crafters. Reduce the frustrations of wanting to a blogger with magnitude."

This was awarded to me by Susan at Cricut and Grasshopper. Susan has been so nice to me and made me want to keep going. She commented on almost all my posts when I started not that long ago. I didn't know what to expect with my blog, but I couldn't even imagine the how it would feel to read so many nice comment, get chosen to guest design, to be featured and to win a challenge. I will have two more firsts at the end of the month, with my first blog hop and I will have my first giveaway! I can't thank everyone enough for the kindness you have shown me. Thank you Susan for your encouragement and thanks to anyone reading this now or who has visited in the past. 
I do want to pass this on to a few others who have also encouraged me and visit and comment just because. It feels so good to have someone visit just to say good job! 

Here are the terms under which this “Green Blend Award” are to be given:
1. This award is for any co-blogging friend who has helped you develop your blog in any and all ways.

2. This award is for any co-blogging friend who has cheered you along in your blog building, craft advancing career.

3. This award is for any co-blogging friend who always stops by and is kind to you. You can count on them to always be one of the great comments at the end of your post.

4. This award is to be given to 3 to 5 Blends whom you feel meet the listed requirements.

5. Create a post with the terms of use and publish your Blends of choice.

6. Blend of choice may copy the award from your blog and proudly post it on theirs.

7. Blend of choice may continue the kindness by issuing this award to keep the circle forever growing.

I want to acknowledge (in no particular order):

Melissa - Moe Creations
Sharon - Mee Mee Creations
Lisa - A Mermaids Crafts
Cindy - Card Crazee Me 53
Lisa - You Made Me Ink
Georgiana - Carson's Creations 

I hate that part because I know there are others I have missed. Sorry if I missed you, but know I do appreciate you. 

Once again thank you, Susan and everyone else who has made this fun.


Tuesday 6 March 2012

293 Days Till Christmas

I'm kind of having a bad day. I came home from work to find that I have no power in my apartment...After checking the fuse, I called the Super. Someone will be here in the morning; so until then I have a really ghetto extension cord running from the laundry room across the hall.

I made this card yesterday when I did have power, for Christmas Card Challenge - Embossing. I used two different folders both by Tim Holtz. I tried to ink the folder of the snowman but failed miserably. I went with a different angle and smudged him with ink instead. I also embossed the back ground with snowflakes and then added a rosette from Cricut cartridge Ribbons and Rosettes. I stamped a Merry Christmas with the same ink I smudged the man with and I hope you like it.


Saturday 3 March 2012


Inspiration can come from many places. I was lacking my own, so I checked out a few challenge blogs for some ideas, and this is what I came up with.

How I got there:

I used Cricut Cartridge Rock Princess